Friday, August 22, 2008


And I'll see everyone else in the office in September na. Yay! I'll be on leave for the whole week next week; that's actually 4 days lang since Monday is a holiday.

On another note, it's a sad day as today is the Research team's last day in the office. :( They should be staying until September 15 but they'll be taking a terminal leave starting Tuesday next week. :( To the team, thank you for all the hard work and the laughters you've shared. Good luck to all of you and God bless!

And for the others, I still hope to see them when I get back. Vic, night shift ka sa September ha? :) See you guys!

We're off to Quiapo Church today. Hubby's already waiting downstairs. Enjoy your weekend! :)


They are. Argh!!!

I Missed Them

Last night, I accidentally met my ex-BF's cousin. We're actually close, but have lost communication since 2003, I guess. So, I was glad to see her last night.

I asked her how the family is. I'm actually close to the family, and has been an all-time-wanted DIL by his parents. Unfortunately, maybe by fate, we're not meant for each other. Anyway, she told me a few info about the family. And I don't see them being fine.

XBF has a 2-year old daughter and a wife, but they're not married. The reason: he does not want to marry her. Ouch for the girl! But as the cousin told me, he already said she's not the girl whom he'll marry. Another ouch!

On to the family, Daddy is in the US; XBF as well. But XBF left his wife pregnant. Intentional, as the cousin said, since he'll be away for about a year. Then, Mama is here with XBF's younger bro. Although, younger bro will fly off to US soon (as petitioned by Daddy).

On another note, cousin's Kuya has also left home. He's been living-in with the girlfriend. And as for their mom, they haven't heard from her for more than a year now. {sigh}

So much has changed. Before, the house was filled with so many people and everyone was close with each other. But now, it's almost empty; with only 3 adults living there, and 2 kids. {sigh}

I honestly feel sorry for them. Not because they have parted ways, but because they had to live far from each other. But in time, everything will fall into places.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Manga Face

See my avatar? Nice eh? Hehe... A few of my officemates have had their avatars, similar to this one, a few days back. And when I saw them, I told them I want mine too! :)

So, they showed me the site where I can get them. And in a few minutes, voila! I got my own manga avatar! Yay!

Get yours now! :D


So I've been playing games in the office. Hahaha! Well, what can I do? Not much work today and I need to keep myself up the whole day. So instead of sitting here with my head low on the desk and my eyes closed, I'd rather keep myself busy by playing games. Hahaha!

Last weekend, my aunt gave me a CD with installers of various Yahoo! games such as Ice Cream Mania, Supermarket Mania, Pastry Passion, etc. Hehe... Sounds kiddo? But I enjoy playing them, really. Actually, my good friend-officemate-teammate-seatmate here asked for a copy. Hahaha!

Would you like to have a copy? Just tell me. *wink*

Which Do You Prefer?

1. day or night? Night. For a working mom like me, who spends at least 14 hours out of the house, I love going home to my hubby and daughter... and the bed, of course. :)
2. chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla. Though I love chocolate, I love vanilla more. :)
3. coffee or tea? Either. Basta iced.
4. renting a movie and staying home or going out to the theater? Theater. We seldom go out and watch a movie, so that I prefer.
5. regular books or audio books? Regular books.
6. driving to a faroff destination or just taking an airplane? Driving, to familiarize myself with the way so I won't get lost the next time I go there.
7. hamburger or hotdogs? Hamburger, especially if it comes with lettuce and tomatoes.
8. listening to music or watching tv? Watching TV. Though our TV doesn't know me anymore. :D
9. Desperate Housewives or Survivor? Desperate Housewives.
10. homecooked meal or fancy restaurant? Restaurant. I love eating out. :)

New Look

Tired of my unruly hair, I had it rebonded last Saturday (it's been 5 days before I am able to post it here, hehehe). I had my hair cut short a few months back. And since it's been growing longer now, with the natural curls I have, it's becoming unruly. Even if I leave home with it all dried up, brush it every now and then, the natural curls still show up. Thus, fly away, it is.

So to tame them all, I had them straightened (or rebonded). Good thing my stylist offered me a great deal. With less than Php1,000, I have availed of rebond+cellophane. Yay! FYI, cellophane alone costs at least Php700.

So happy for the new look and the great deal! :D

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today's Accomplishments

Not much official work today. Due to heavy rain, only a few people were able to come to the office. So, not much work except for a couple of email requests. Hehehe...

So to spend time wisely, I finished 3 layouts. Two for my sis and one for the RT. Well, BB is requesting for a layout for the RT since it'll be their last week with the company next week. So, they're planning to have a simple farewell party(?) for the team. The layout I did will be for the signature card.

As for my sis, it's their gift for a friend who'll be celebrating his birthday early next month. She's actually requesting for an AVP (with digiscrap pages as the pics), so I need to get the images ready first before I can proceed with the AVP.


Typhoon Karen hits Luzon. Though there's no storm signal in Manila, classes were suspended at noon due to flooded areas within the metro.

I passed by C.M. Recto going to the LRT2 station at around 10:30AM, and the flood was already gutter high. Along with the heavy rain is the strong wind so public transpo is expected to be difficult for the rest of the day.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lil Munchkin

We're so happy for the new addition to the Gugol family. Congrats to Kuya Archie and Ate Beth for their lil munchkin! :) We found out about the pregnancy last July. It was actually their Christmas 2007 wish just delivered last May. And their first child, Rein, is already soooo excited to be an Ate. :) God bless your family and have a safe pregnancy! Mwah! :)

Now, our turn... we have our own lil munchkin too! Hehehe... not a human though, but we already got the S8. :) With my brother, hubby and I went to MT last Sunday morning to get the S8. We were actually scheduled to go to Laguna on Saturday, but we had to postpone it to the next day as he wanted to have the S8 before we leave. So, on Sunday, we woke up early to attend the mass and after fetching my bro at 9AM, we headed to MT. It took us 3 loooong hours before the unit was released. Hayyy... blame it on the dot-matrix printer that they are using, it required them to manually input the info. Thus, took them at least 30 minutes to prepare the documents. (Hey, you can already buy an inkjet printer with Php2,000!)

Anyway, so Papa was waiting for us at home until he called us at 12NN. Well, he hates to wait, really. Good thing when he called, we're already done. Hubby dropped my bro off to the LRT station, and I went home straight. When he got home, he just parked the scoot and hopped in the car as we're headed to Laguna.

Here's a peek of our lil munchkin (not our actual unit though, but of the same color as ours):

Long Weekend

We had a 3-day weekend since Monday was a holiday. Last Saturday, we went to my aunt's place in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. We rarely go there so everytime we visit, we're having a blast. Lots of foods were prepared and, as expected, flowing beer, of course. Hehehe... We were sooooo full!

DD got to play with her cousin, Miel, and the dogs. My aunt has a pom-spitz and a labrador. And yes, my baby played with the oh-so-big labrador, it could swallow her whole. Hehehe... Well, the dogs are really friendly... so child-like that they enjoy playing with the kids.

I miss going there, really. When I was still studying, every summer vacation was spent there. If not for the high gas prices, we could've been visiting every weekend.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Music To My Ears

Good Sunday morning! :) Yes, it's 5:07 in the morning and I'm already up. Unusual, it is. Hehehe... Well, I just couldn't sleep. We went to bed at around 11PM, chatted for a while, then hubby goes to his deep slumber. So deep that he was snoring like a honking train. Hahaha!!! Yeah, sometimes he snores so loud. Well, I guess it runs in the blood. Hehehe... But I guess it's already music to my ears. Hahaha!!!

Anyway, I'm off to take a bath. I decided to prep early so we can attend the 6AM mass. TTFN! :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Busog Night

I ate a lot tonight. At 6PM, I had yakisoba and potato balls. Now, at 8:30PM, I'm having Chunky Chicken Plato Wrap and buko juice. Yum!

Anyway, I think it's ok as the last meal I had was lunch, which was actually a small serving of pork sisig and rice. Hehehe

Fulfilling Meal

Tokyo Tokyo's yakisoba and potato balls, yummm! :) A great meal with a great person.

Just The Thought Of It...

...makes me really sad. For the past few months, you've been sharing your plans of leaving the company to work in another country. But I never thought it would be so soon. :( 30 days will fly by without us noticing it's only a few hours away. :(

A Sin For Free

Last week, I received an email from Melissa Philippines asking me to send my name and shoe size to a certain mobile number. It's because I was one of the lucky winners of a free pair of Melissa shoes. Yay!

This fashion site I frequently visit once offered a contest wherein you only need to leave a comment on which Melissa shoes you like the most. Melissa is a signature for re-invented jelly shoes. Actually, I never had a pair of Melissa before, but I just based my comment on the photos of the shoe styles they have. And through random picking, I won.

Hubby drove me to the Melissa event at the C3 Events in Greenhills last Saturday. It was actually a hectic day as it was also my MIL's birthday. So, we went there just so I can get my prize. Bad, but I had no choice.

Anyway, I'm now enjoying my pair of gold Sin. It's my latest fave. Hahaha... Well, the color and the style, love it! I've always been a fan of sandals and seldom use ballet flats and heeled shoes (they make my feet sore). So, my feet actually loves the comfort and style of Sin.

Thanks to Melissa and ShopaholicUniverse for the prize. :)

If You Know Nothing, Just Shut Up

I got this from a "father" last night: "Tinotorture mo anak mo. Anong oras na nandito pa kayo."

Yeah, it was almost 10PM when you told me that, and we arrived before 12NN. But my shift ends at 10PM, the reason why we were still in the office that late. Hey, do you actually know the reason why I brought my daughter to the office? Just to let you know, it's not merely for a new environment for her, but because no one's available to look after her at home. So, good for you you have a nanny. At times, you even "work" from home so you can also take care of your children. But I am not privileged to work from home, so I had to bring her here. And at least, I don't have to make my child a "reason" for not coming to work.

This is not the first time you unconsciously uttered words which had hurt other people's feelings. I suggest, if you know nothing, just keep your mouth shut!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Another Day At The Office

This is another day when I had to bring the lil girl to the office. See, my aunt's the one taking care of her while we're out to work (we asked for her help to look after my baby so hubby and I could work, and she's staying with us). But for more than a week now, she's been accompanying their aunt who just had a cataract operation. So, no one's left at home to take care of my baby.

Well, it's actually fine with my bosses to take my DD here while I work, as they know my situation of not having a nanny for her. And the lil one's actually enjoying... as she's able to get out of the house, run around the spacious office, munch on a lot of sweets (as my officemates bribe her with so they can play with her), and eat out. Hehehe...

However, she gets to stay here until 10PM, as my shift ends. {sigh} A bit good though, so she'll be tired by the time we get home and would go straight to bed. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Wish You Luck

It hurts to know that at least 10 people from the company will be leaving in a month's time. Earlier this year, a lot had to leave the US office... for good. Now, it's the Manila office's turn. Sadness...

Well, I wish you guys the best of luck. I know, you'll find a better place outside of this office. Just make the most out of the remaining 30 days to find your well-deserved working nest. God bless us...

Super 8: Now Or Later?

I got a call from Motortrade that the Kymco Super 8 (of the color we applied for) already arrived at their branch today. Though super excited, I am actually hesitant to get it asap. It just makes me a bit paranoid that, per Chinese feng shui, August is a "ghost month", thus bad luck is affixed with spending a large amount (opening a business, etc). But I know, I can't control hubby. He has waited so long for this to arrive and wouldn't want to take the risk of losing it if we don't get it asap. {sigh}

I actually tried my luck of convincing him to get it on September 1 (at least not August), but did not agree with me. Well, I just hope the motorcycle does not bring any bad luck, especially when it's on the road.

Random Preggy and D-Day Q's

Moms Who Played Along:
Mai Yen Kathycot Cay

Preggy Facts:

1. Who did you first inform about your pregnancy and how? Hubby. I was worried for days prior to finding out as it was actually unplanned. But the moment I learned I was pregnant, I couldn't help myself but to get excited and immediately tell it to hubby.

2. Maximum weight? 135 lbs

3. Cravings? Banana, melon and ripe mangoes. Yep, everything's yellow.

4. Aversions? Any perfume, really. Whether it actually smells nice or not so nice, I just don't like the smell of perfumes. Also, the smell of garlic and onions. Those made me vomit.

5. Morning Sickness? Rather all-day-sickness. Hehehe...

D Day Facts:

1. Number of Kids/Deliveries? 1

2. NSD or CS? Normal with Epidural sedation

3. Girl or Boy? Girl

4. AOG (age of gestation) on Birth? She was 37 weeks.

5. How long in labor? My waterbag ruptured at 7 AM then it took me 11 hours before I finally popped her out.


Monday, August 11, 2008

First Post

So this is my first post on my first blog. Wow... I've been bloghopping for more than 2 years now, but I just had the urge to create my own. I'll make sure to keep this blog worth reading. :)