Thursday, August 21, 2008

Which Do You Prefer?

1. day or night? Night. For a working mom like me, who spends at least 14 hours out of the house, I love going home to my hubby and daughter... and the bed, of course. :)
2. chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla. Though I love chocolate, I love vanilla more. :)
3. coffee or tea? Either. Basta iced.
4. renting a movie and staying home or going out to the theater? Theater. We seldom go out and watch a movie, so that I prefer.
5. regular books or audio books? Regular books.
6. driving to a faroff destination or just taking an airplane? Driving, to familiarize myself with the way so I won't get lost the next time I go there.
7. hamburger or hotdogs? Hamburger, especially if it comes with lettuce and tomatoes.
8. listening to music or watching tv? Watching TV. Though our TV doesn't know me anymore. :D
9. Desperate Housewives or Survivor? Desperate Housewives.
10. homecooked meal or fancy restaurant? Restaurant. I love eating out. :)

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