Friday, August 22, 2008

I Missed Them

Last night, I accidentally met my ex-BF's cousin. We're actually close, but have lost communication since 2003, I guess. So, I was glad to see her last night.

I asked her how the family is. I'm actually close to the family, and has been an all-time-wanted DIL by his parents. Unfortunately, maybe by fate, we're not meant for each other. Anyway, she told me a few info about the family. And I don't see them being fine.

XBF has a 2-year old daughter and a wife, but they're not married. The reason: he does not want to marry her. Ouch for the girl! But as the cousin told me, he already said she's not the girl whom he'll marry. Another ouch!

On to the family, Daddy is in the US; XBF as well. But XBF left his wife pregnant. Intentional, as the cousin said, since he'll be away for about a year. Then, Mama is here with XBF's younger bro. Although, younger bro will fly off to US soon (as petitioned by Daddy).

On another note, cousin's Kuya has also left home. He's been living-in with the girlfriend. And as for their mom, they haven't heard from her for more than a year now. {sigh}

So much has changed. Before, the house was filled with so many people and everyone was close with each other. But now, it's almost empty; with only 3 adults living there, and 2 kids. {sigh}

I honestly feel sorry for them. Not because they have parted ways, but because they had to live far from each other. But in time, everything will fall into places.

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