Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lil Munchkin

We're so happy for the new addition to the Gugol family. Congrats to Kuya Archie and Ate Beth for their lil munchkin! :) We found out about the pregnancy last July. It was actually their Christmas 2007 wish just delivered last May. And their first child, Rein, is already soooo excited to be an Ate. :) God bless your family and have a safe pregnancy! Mwah! :)

Now, our turn... we have our own lil munchkin too! Hehehe... not a human though, but we already got the S8. :) With my brother, hubby and I went to MT last Sunday morning to get the S8. We were actually scheduled to go to Laguna on Saturday, but we had to postpone it to the next day as he wanted to have the S8 before we leave. So, on Sunday, we woke up early to attend the mass and after fetching my bro at 9AM, we headed to MT. It took us 3 loooong hours before the unit was released. Hayyy... blame it on the dot-matrix printer that they are using, it required them to manually input the info. Thus, took them at least 30 minutes to prepare the documents. (Hey, you can already buy an inkjet printer with Php2,000!)

Anyway, so Papa was waiting for us at home until he called us at 12NN. Well, he hates to wait, really. Good thing when he called, we're already done. Hubby dropped my bro off to the LRT station, and I went home straight. When he got home, he just parked the scoot and hopped in the car as we're headed to Laguna.

Here's a peek of our lil munchkin (not our actual unit though, but of the same color as ours):

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