Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Random Preggy and D-Day Q's

Moms Who Played Along:
Mai Yen Kathycot Cay

Preggy Facts:

1. Who did you first inform about your pregnancy and how? Hubby. I was worried for days prior to finding out as it was actually unplanned. But the moment I learned I was pregnant, I couldn't help myself but to get excited and immediately tell it to hubby.

2. Maximum weight? 135 lbs

3. Cravings? Banana, melon and ripe mangoes. Yep, everything's yellow.

4. Aversions? Any perfume, really. Whether it actually smells nice or not so nice, I just don't like the smell of perfumes. Also, the smell of garlic and onions. Those made me vomit.

5. Morning Sickness? Rather all-day-sickness. Hehehe...

D Day Facts:

1. Number of Kids/Deliveries? 1

2. NSD or CS? Normal with Epidural sedation

3. Girl or Boy? Girl

4. AOG (age of gestation) on Birth? She was 37 weeks.

5. How long in labor? My waterbag ruptured at 7 AM then it took me 11 hours before I finally popped her out.


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