Monday, September 1, 2008

9 Days

I've been out (of the cyberworld) for 9 days. Hehehe... Well, I had a 4-day vacation from work last week. Great and not so great. Great because I spent so much time with my DD. Not so great coz we just stayed at home almost the whole week. :(

I planned to spend at least 3 days in Laguna with DD, but DH didn't want us to. So, I had no choice but to stay at home and wait for him coming from the office every afternoon. Bum! Hahaha!

Anyway, I enjoyed it a bit as I was able to spend endless days playing with and taking care of DD. I was also able to do some wifey duties which I have not done during office days (going to the market, cooking, preparing lunch/dinner, etc.).

I wish for more days like that. I wish to spend more time with my family. I wish we can afford it soon. :)

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