Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Adventure In The Middle Of C.M. Recto

Just like last night, heavy rain poured. But tonight, I was able to prepare for it. I left home wearing shorts and flip flops. Hehehe... So in case there'll be flood on my way to the office, I can still go without the worries of walking in soaked pants and shoes.

Just before I rode the first jeep, I can already see the water ahead. Thus, I expected flood along the way. But when I reached Divisoria, I couldn't help myself but utter some bad expression because of what I saw - people walking in the middle of the road with dirty water almost knee high. OMG! With that, I already knew I'll be having the same experience. :(

Aside from Divisoria, I also had my feet swim in the dirty waters of Recto, just before Avenida. Poor legs and feet, poor skin too. :(

As soon as I reached the office, I went to the shower room and had my legs and feet washed THRICE with soap and water.

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