Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This afternoon, heavy rain started pouring. And since I'm working on a night shift, I usually start preparing at 7PM.

At 8PM, I left home. It took me at least 10 minutes waiting for the first jeep to ride on. That means, only a few are traveling. When I got to Divisoria, flood was at least 6 inches high. Bearable as I just folded up my pants, I was able to pass through it. As the jeep reached Recto (before Arranque Market), we got stuck in traffic. After 30 minutes of being stuck there, I already phone my boss. Though she was still hoping that I can make it to the office, I'm already hopeless. Flood was already above my knees (around 2 feet high, I guess). With the flood and the traffic, I was not able to get off the jeepney. So, I got stuck there for at least 1 hour.

When she finally allowed me to work from home (as she got hopeless too), I was not able to get off immediately. I still had to wait for the vehicles to move, until I saw land so off I went. However, it still took me at least 1 hour to get home. (But on an ordinary day, it usually takes me 15 minutes of travel from home to that place.) As soon as I got home, I went online and started working.

Of course, the lil girl was happy to have me here tonight. Although we were not able to play before going to sleep, she was still happy to sleep with me. So now, she's here, sleeping like an angel, beside me. :)

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