Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dada!

Last Sunday, September 14, was hubby's birthday. He turned 26 already, and that means I'm next in line. OMG! Hahaha!

I can't believe I'll be 26 years old in 4 months. Hahaha! Well, it's not a problem for me though. As the TV commercial goes "It's okay to be 40, just as long as you look 30." Hahaha! And I think I don't look 26 naman. Hahaha! I even know one who's only 22 but looks older than me. ;)

Anyway, I know this post is already late but "Happy Birthday, Da!" Nicole and I wish you good health, more love, and more money! Hahaha! We love you so much! Mmmmwwwahhh!!!

I'll be posting some pics later. :)

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