Friday, September 26, 2008

History Repeats Itself

Though not much of a history as it happened only yesterday. Hahaha! Anyway, I'm talking about the sleepless day (or night for me). I am, again, sleepless today.

I left the office past 9AM and reached home at around 11:30AM. Unfortunately, electricity was out so we just had lunch. Power was restored at around 1PM. At that time, I already invited DD to bed and put her to sleep. By the time she fell asleep, it was already 2PM. Uh oh... Only 1 hour left for me to sleep and I know, I'll just give myself a headache. Yet, I still tried, but to no success (again).

So, at 3PM, I got up and readied myself for the office. I left at 4:30PM as I need to be in the office at 6PM.

Now, I'm working. Hehe... Well, I hope I can still get enough sleep before I leave at 4AM. Wish me luck! :)

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