Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sunday Night Out

Last Sunday was great! For several reasons, it is very seldom that our family goes out together (my parents with us children). I honestly cannot remember the last time we went out together. :(

So last Sunday was fun! Papa had to use his Adidas gift certificate as it was already the last day, August 31. And since the lil girl has always been wanting to go back to Trinoma, off we went. :)

The heavy rain did not stop us. We left home at around 6PM, while the rain was just starting. We were in 2 cars: sis, bro, and his GF in one car; me, hubby, Mama, Papa, and the lil girl in the other. It took us a few minutes to find a parking space (the mall was packed).

First, we went grocery shopping. It was Papa's first time to use his credit card, and his knees weakened when he saw the total amount at the counter. Hahaha!

Next, the Adidas store. There were actually 2 Adidas stores there, but my bro found a nice pair of shoes in the bigger store. So, that's where they used the GC for.

Last, dinner at Teriyaki Boy. It was their first time to eat there (not for me and hubby), so I had to guide them on which to order. Well, it's good to know everyone was so full. Hehehe... And since Papa was so weak due to the grocery bill, Mama and I volunteered to pay for the dinner.

Hope we can do it again soon. And I hope it will be more often. :)

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